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Terms of Service

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The cost of youth sports has increased significantly over the last decade and shows no

sign of slowing down. There is a financial obligation that comes with participating in the

Top Dog Athletics program. The goal for Top Dog Athletics is to provide cost effective

opportunities that keep opportunities to learn and love sports available to any individual/

family that is interested. There are many factors involved that we do not control and are

continuously working to keep everything affordable for all.


Top Dog Athletics program budgets provide the ability for families to pay on a payment

schedule that is broken up over the course of 12-months, with each individual balance

being an equal share in the overall team expenses for the year. It is the responsibility of

each athlete to pay their share in fees. Failure to pay fees may result in the suspension

or removal from the Top Dog Athletics program until fees are made current.

    a. If an athlete falls more than 1 month behind on fees they will be held from all

practices and games until fees are made current.

    b. If an athlete leaves with an outstanding balance Top Dog will take necessary

action through Small Claims Court to have the balance paid in full.


All fees are non-refundable. The financial obligation is for the given budget per the team

the athlete is rostered on. This budget is effective from AUGUST 1, 2024 to JULY 31,



For any questions regarding player fees please contact

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If a family chooses to utilize our monthly payment plan athlete accounts must be paid on

or before the 10th of every month.

    a. If the monthly payment is not received on or before the 10th of every month,

the athlete will be held from team practices and games.

    b. If the monthly payment is not received on or before the 10th of every month,

the athlete will be charged a $20 late fee.


Payment can be made via:

    a. Venmo (@TopDogAthletics)

    b. Cash

    c. Check (Top Dog Athletics)

    d. Automatic Payments via our website


We understand the Top Dog Athletics program is a large investment for families. If a

family is having trouble making payments please let us know. If there are certain

payment arrangements or options that can help with the Top Dog fees we are open to

discussing them with you. If you fail to make a payment and do not communicate with

us as to why, we will not allow your athlete to participate in team practices or games.


Athletes and families that choose to leave the program before the end of the season

(July 31, 2025) are still responsible for paying their overall remaining balance. Athletes

will not be released from Top Dog rosters until their account is paid in full.

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If an athlete does not complete the season for any reason (hurt, quit, removed from the

team for a violation of the standards and expectations, etc.) they are still responsible for the remaining balance on their account (through July 2025). Athletes will not be

refunded any portion of fees paid or fundraised. When leaving a Top Dog team families

understand they will not be released from a roster if they have an outstanding balance.

If a player has an outstanding balance for the budget of August 1, 2024 to July 1, 2025

the remainder of their fees will be sent to small claims court or collections.

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In the Top Dog Family our focus is for our athletes to break the mold of thinking it’s okay

to just be what we call “CENTRAL VALLEY GOOD.” We prepare our athletes to

compete (on and off the field) against competition from across the United States and in

some cases around the world. With this we want to help them in gaining an

understanding of the importance of competition and how it can be an influential piece for their success in life adventures.


Top Dog Teams will have events on their schedule that will require the team to travel. It

is important to understand that there are many factors in traveling that are now out of

our control. The days of a team representative going out and finding group rates are

coming to an end. Tournaments are progressing into utilizing third party businesses that

focus on obtaining group blocks at hotels for youth sporting events. With these

businesses we are required to meet a certain amount of room nights or we are hit with a

penalty for each room requirement that is not met.


As of August 1, 2023 the Top Dog Family implemented the following procedures

to make sure our families incur as minimal penalty fees as possible:

    a. Top Dog will secure room block reservations through the 3rd party businesses

for every tournament. If the tournament is not utilizing the 3rd party business Top Dog

will obtain a group block request for families to book.

    b. Top Dog will send a reservation link to all families with the deadline for


    c. Families will be required to book their hotel and send their confirmation

number to Top Dog by the date the reservation booking window closes.

    d. If a family chooses to not stay at the team hotel they will be required to pay

Top Dog a $75 FEE via Cash or Venmo prior to the start of the event.

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To help families cover costs for the year the Top Dog Athletics program will set up

fundraisers throughout the year. The Top Dog Athletics program is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations

and sponsorships are Tax Deductible.

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  • Top Dog Athletes will receive 100% of the amount donated/sponsored credited to their account.

  • Businesses & Sponsors will be listed on the website and Top Dog Team Social Media pages. 

  • Top Dog Athletics will also sell advertising space on the website. 

  • The Top Dog Athletics program will NOT do “booze basket” types of raffles.

  • Every raffle event will broken up with 75% of funds collected being credited to the athlete’s account and 25% of the funds collected being utilized to cover the expense of the raffle.

  • Top Dog Athletics will have fundraising raffles on the following schedule (but not limited to):

    • August/September: iPad Bundle​

    • March/April: Disneyland Vacation 

  • Top Dog Athletes will receive 50% of the amount of their individual sales. The other 50% will pay for the product.

  • Top Dog Athletics will have item selling fundraisers on the following schedule (but not limited to):

    • February: Rocky Mountain Chocolate

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Athletes can utilize fundraising to help cover the following items:

    a. All budgeted items

    b. Individual travel expenses

In the event an athlete fundraises more than their individual account balance the

remaining funds can be utilized for the following:

    a. Individual travel expenses

    b. Purchasing equipment, apparel, accessories, or footwear through The Vault Athletique

    c. Can be applied to Top Dog Athletics to help cover expenses for families that

are in need of financial assistance.

    d. Can be applied to extra training opportunities at Top Dog Performance Center.


If an athlete does not complete the season with their team all fundraised funds will be

forfeited and will not be refunded to the athlete.


If an athlete has funds remaining on their account at the end of the year, those funds will be applied to the GENERAL Top Dog Athletics Fund for the NEXT year. Funds remaining on an athlete's account WILL NOT BE CARRIED OVER to their player account for the next year. Funds fundraised can and will only be applied to the budgeted year they were fundraised for. 

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